They gave me new characters.
Like most of my characters, they usually spring from a situation in a story, are given a face and personality by way of people I see or meet in real life, and flesh out the story itself by their very creation. Every now and then, the characters begin to raise questions in me about their own origins, and I start to explore them.
This does not mean that I am going to jet away from my main story; on the contrary, I am excited because I now see that this series, and this world I have created, has more stories in it than I first thought. These newly discovered stories will take me, and the readers, to the four corners of the globe, far beyond the Euro-centered realm of Forbidden Children and its two follow ups. I was nervous about this world suddenly ending once I was done telling the twins' story, but instead I have several more stories to tell. Of course, this means a lot more research for me (happy sigh).
I will give a hint to the nature of two of the possible main characters. These are their current names: HalfHeart and Kwan.
Now the traveler and reader in me is excited about the story moving beyond Europe because I think it will be even more fascinating that it already is. I can't wait to learn more about the new characters.